Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Fine Tuning Management Education- the Need of the Hour Essay

Getting an education is an important part of success in today’s business world. It’s competitive out there, and the more educated you are, the better your chances of landing a good job are. That’s why getting a Masters of Business Administration (MBA) is so important. As of now there are over 2,400 B- Schools in India, Karnataka has around 67, of which 46 colleges in Bangalore offer MBA programs. The MBA degree opens up worlds of opportunity for its bearers. Many business positions require an MBA for advancement. It is a fact that having an MBA degree is like having the key to the gates of opportunities in the corporate world. Like a green signal for the new business world. Hi-tech development, improvements, and the growing privatization all have completely transformed the business grounds. Along with all this, the business plans and pedagogy are also constantly changing very fast. Besides, in every phase the competition is getting more and more difficult. As the business is changing and the level of competition is also increasing the companies are forced to hire employees having done their MBA from the most competitive college. An MBA Program will give and teach all the things that are essential to make you a good manager and skills that are important to augment the efficiency and productivity of the organization. No company would like to waste their time to train people with the required skills and knowledge when they know that such candidates are already available in the form of MBA graduates. Today all organizations expect that their employees are able to give more profit to the company in a shorter span of time. An MBA student is expected to have certain level of competency which makes them different from others. The course exposes the student to the practical field helping them to perform effectively in the long run. However, it is perceived that the management education is falling short of this objective. In order to keep the MBA relevant, the colleges offering them will have to make the curriculum more responsive to the global economy. The research paper focuses on the perception of MBA graduates and their expectations towards the management education. Keywords: Management curriculum, Higher education, Management activities. Introduction The development of management education can be traced back to 18th century. From 18th century to 21st century, management education has seen lot of changes and development. Management education in India is predominately a derivative of western management thought and practice. Management education in India is not very old, after the establishment of the IITs, there was dire need for similar establishments in the field of management education. Thus came into existence Indian Institute of Management Ahmadabad (IIMA), followed soon after by one in Kolkata (IIMC). Starting with the establishment of 4 Indian Institutes of Management Calcutta (1961), Ahmadabad (1962), Bangalore (1973), Lucknow (1984), now management education is being offered as full time/part time MBA programmes by some leading universities in the country. Recently and particularly during the last 4-5 years the country has witnessed a tremendous growth in the founding of management institutions most of them in private sector offering management programs in different functional areas of management. Concurrently, there is a mushrooming of B-schools in the country (over 2,500 institutes, of which about 1940 are certified by the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE)), leading to issues of quality. In Bangalore alone there are as many as 300 MBA colleges. Management education introduces students to a broader perspective about the role of individuals in growth of business and society, which is quite evident. Management education provides students and working professionals with an edge that enables them to strengthen the Connection between business and society. The Importance of Management Studies for a Successful Corporate Career Management studies are an important medium that facilitates improvement of leadership qualities and turns out excellent future managers. Management courses with specialization in different areas prepare students to face the constantly advancing corporate world and impart effective people-management skills. Management studies should emphasis not just in creating good managers but also on improving and enhancing existing skills while passing on managerial competence to students. Young aspiring managers equipped with a reputed management degree turn out to be survivors who are able to sustain themselves in an environment of intense competition, globalization and ever-evolving technologies. In fact, producing powerful managers is the biggest challenge that businesses worldwide face today. An accredited MBA degree from a prestigious business school certifies the managerial skills learnt during the course of the study. A well designed management training course suitably develops a talented workforce that can be expected to be efficient future leaders and successful managers who are able to tackle complex situations and relationships with clients in any organization. Review of Literature A. Gill (2003) emphasized due to globalization and advancement in information technology the role played by management education in enhancing country knowledge base has been placed under a sharper focus thus it has become imperative to look at management education from the market oriented perspective and take a strategic view to better align business education with the requirement of the global market. Basu Sharma et al(1996) pointed out that internationalization of management has been promoted along several dimensions such as curricula challenge, research activities with both contents and outlet being relevant and executive development programs. It seems that educational institutions and supplementary providers of management education have no choice but to rise to the challenge of global competition. L.R.Irala (2006) was of view that  © Research Journal of International Studies – Issue 18 (January, 2011) 17 management education in India is at cross roads with the dawn of new millennium there has been exceptional growth in management institutes, to upgrade their competencies the financial autonomy will be the key and academic autonomy the major drivers. Margaret McNamara and et al.(1990) stressed on action learning in management education as Management institutes are often criticized for focusing more on theory and on quantitative analysis while neglecting interpersonal relationship and quantitative finding. It is often stated that management education should be experience-based, active, problem oriented and modified by feedback and action learning serves the purpose. Statement of the Problem The greatest competitive challenge facing companies is said to be embracing change over the last two decades due to several factors. This includes rapid changes in market dynamics, globalization etc. Management education is supposed to prepare the candidate for managing or leading a significant activity in the organization. However, it is perceived that the management education is falling short of this objective. It requires a reassessment of traditional managerial concepts & practices. Thus the research paper focuses on the perception and expectations of management graduates towards the management education in Bangalore City. Objectives of the study 1.To study the perception of management graduates towards management education. 2.To know the satisfaction level of the graduates towards the present curriculum. 3.To understand the expectations in order to improve the MBA program. Research Design a)Type of Research: The study is Descriptive and Empirical in nature. b)Sources of Data Collection:   Primary Data has been collected from the respondents who are MBA graduates, and are professionally employed in the various companies and institutions. A specifically structured questionnaire is used for the purpose of study. The questions designed in the questionnaire aims to explore: a.The profile of respondents in terms of age, gender, marital status, length of service and designation. b.15 Variables are used for measuring the perception of MBA graduates towards management education and improvement of program curriculum. c.Secondary sources of data were also consulted for the purpose of gathering back ground information supporting the study. Data were obtained from general management education journals, Magazines and websites. c)Type of Sampling: Simple Random Sampling method is used for the study. d)Sample Size: The primary data is collected from the 100 respondents of Bangalore city e)Statistical tools for Analysis: The Percentage method is used for analyzing the study. Scope of the study The research is done to measure the perception of management graduates towards improvement in management education of various B- schools, but with the caveat that the curriculum of most programs should be revised to meet the challenges that face the next generation of business leaders. Moreover the research is restricted to Bangalore City.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Classical Economics Essay

The neo-classical economics movement has been touted as the replacement to classical economics movement as it appeared to have been presented as an improvement to the beliefs and ideologies of that of the classical economics movement. Not many people agree with this fact as it stands though. While some think that the neo-classical movement represents an evolution of economic theory from the early and probably flawed version which was the classical economic theory to a more advanced, sophisticated and improved theory, others believe that the neo-classical movement represents the birth of an entirely new discipline that had decided to abandon a lot of the questions and issues that the classical economic movement had been riddled with instead of trying to find a better approach to arriving at reasonable solutions for those issues. As a result of these contrasting views, it is necessary to delve into the origins of both movements, carry out a thorough analysis of the modus operandi and arrive at a reasonable conclusion by taking a subjective stance on the matter. In doing this, some of the issues that will be addressed include: the specific issues that the neo-classical economic movement and the classical economic movement really address, how much overlap there is between the named set of issues, the kinds of analytical methods used in both economic movements, and whether the neo-classical analytical method is more effective at accomplishing its own goals as well as that of the classical economic methods (even better than the classical economists themselves). Classical Economics The birth of the classical economics movement is largely attributed to Adam Smith as a result of his 1776 publication titled The Wealth of Nations, although Jean-Baptiste Say, David Ricardo, Robert Thomas Malthus and John Stuart Mill (over a period of about hundred years) are all seen as the major contributors to the development of the movement (Evans & Phillips, 2006). Adam Smith laid emphasis on the fact that a perfect economy is self-regulatory in the sense that the needs of the population present in that economy are automatically satisfied. He coined the term ‘invisible hand’ as a mechanism that is responsible for the propelling of the populace to pursue their individual self-interests which indirectly promotes the general improvement of the society (Evans & Phillips, 2006). This emphasis served as the basic foundation of the classical economic movement. David Ricardo on the other hand, stressed that profits and wages were drastically affected by increase in the price of rent. The increase in rent according to Ricardo was as a result of the increasing population which is a consequence of the fixed availability of land (Evans & Phillips, 2006). Reverend Robert Thomas Malthus in his suggestion averred that unemployment in a market economy is caused by the economy being frugal with spending. However, he was more famous for his population theory that explains that food production increased at an arithmetical progression while population increased at a geometrical progression (Evans & Phillips, 2006). This implies that with time, the population will soon outgrow food supply and the limited amount of available which will result in diminishing returns to labor (Evans & Phillips, 2006). The diminishing returns to labor in turn leads to a radical reduction in the standard of living as a result of the low wages that workers are paid. John Stuart Mill’s proposition took into consideration, the fact that resource allocation and income distribution, which happened to be the two major roles of the market system were distinctive from each other and that the market may not be efficient enough to perform both roles therefore, the involvement of the society is required to compliment the inefficiencies (Evans & Phillips, 2006). The term ‘classical economists’, was first used by the father of communism, Karl Marx to describe the group of economists that shared the same beliefs regarding the labor theories of value. At a time when capitalism was gaining grounds at the expense of feudalism, and when the industrial revolution was rapidly restructuring the society, it was necessary to re-examine and re-define the status quo by ensuring that the nation’s economic interests as a whole lies in and is determined by market forces instead of the autocratic and individualistic determinants that were formerly widespread (Evans & Phillips, 2006). Since then, various classical economists, such as Samuelson Paul, Hollander Samuel, John Hicks, Kaldor Nicholas, and Luigi Pasinetti, have thoroughly studied how the wealth of a nation grows and how policies need to be implemented so that the nation’s wealth continually grows. In doing this, the aforementioned economists (Samuelson et al. ) basically presented various recognized models so as to define their own analysis of classical economics. A major contribution of the classical economists was the development of the labor theories of value whereby the market values of commodities are associated to the various labor efforts that is needed to produce them. These theories of value were largely attributed to William Petty, Adam Smith, and David Ricardo who were acclaimed to have developed them so as to suitably look into economic dynamics. In order to properly make the representation of the regularities found in prices easy, the classical economists brought about a basic distinction between market price which is largely affected by many short-lived influences which are not easily put forward at the theoretical level and natural prices of commodities which are responsible for taking into consideration, the continual forces that are operating at a given point in time (Evans & Phillips, 2006). As far as the labor theories of value are concerned (as seen especially by Adam Smith), when an individual purchases a commodity, the real value of that commodity as far as the individual is concerned, is the practical sum total of the exertion that the individual underwent in purchasing the commodity. In other words, the actual value of a commodity (from the consumer’s angle) lies in the labor that is expended in the acquisition process of the commodity. Also, the value of a commodity from a producer’s angle is the total stress or trouble that has been experienced in order to arrive at the finished product. This also implies that the actual value of a commodity (from the manufacturer’s perspective) lies in the labor that is expended in the production process of the commodity. The labor described above depicts that which does not involve a pleasurable experience in the sense that the individual (consumer or producer) does not conveniently or pleasantly go through the experience of acquiring or manufacturing the commodity. In this case, labor is seen as opposing to utility. As a result of this, the natural price of a commodity is determined by the summation of profits, wages and interests (from Adam Smith’s proposition), although this view differs between the classical economic thinkers’ community because David Ricardo, John Stuart Mill, and Robert Thomas Malthus all had varying concepts (though similar to an extent) about labor value of theory. The classical economic movement also addressed the issue of comparative advantage, especially David Ricardo. The principle of comparative advantage suggests that each nation should specialize in the production of the particular commodities that it can efficiently produce (Evans & Phillips, 2006). It should then seek to import every other commodity it needs. The implication of this is that the total output of the nations of the world would be more than if the nations decided to be more self-sufficient. This theory served as the foundation of the theory of international trade and immensely influenced the free-trade doctrine aspect of classical economic thought (Evans & Phillips, 2006). Classical economists also addressed the issue of the theory of distribution which proposed that the national product is divided between laborers, capital owners, and landlords. These three social classes share national products in the form of wages, profits, and rents, i. e. wages in the case of laborers, profits in the case of capital owners, and rents in the case of landlords (Evans & Phillips, 2006). It is therefore possible for one of the above-mentioned social class to achieve a superior allocation of the national product over the other social classes. There is hardly any common characteristic between the above mentioned issues that were addressed by the classical economists. The theory of comparative advantage is not related to the theory of distribution as well as the labor theories of value. Therefore, the issues cannot be said to be overlapping. The analytical method utilized by classical economists involves the historical-deductive method (Evans & Phillips, 2006). The economists that belong to the classical economic movement actually observe real life situations and then from their observations, they propose solutions to economic problems. The solutions arrive largely as a result of the fact that the observer has noticed a pattern and can then deduce a likelihood of such pattern occurring again based on the tendency of the pattern to repeat itself as had already been observed. A typical example of the historical-deductive analysis employed by classical economists is the input-output analysis. The technique behind this method involves viewing the raw materials of a production process as an input while the semi-finished or finished product is seen as the output (Evans & Phillips, 2006). Such semi-finished or finished product may be used as an input to another process which will result in a different output. In other words, the output of one industry is the input if another industry and this happens over and again when the economy is concerned as a whole. Neoclassical Economics The â€Å"Marginalist Revolution† was responsible for the introduction of the neoclassical economic movement. It was as a result of the theories of William Stanley Jevons, Carl Menger and Marie-Esprit-Leon Walras. Jevons reflected this theory in his 1871 publication titled Theory of Political Economy, Menger in his 1871 publication titled Principles of Economics, and Walras in his 1874 publication titled Elements of Pure Economics (Evans & Phillips, 2006). William Jevons’ concept of utility was largely influenced by the utilitarian principles of John Stuart Mill and that of Jeremy Bentham because of the integration of their hedonic conception in his works (Evans & Phillips, 2006). However, his view was different from those of Mill and Bentham on the grounds that value depends on utility among other things. He opined that the contentment or satisfaction derived from goods and services will always tend to reduce at the margin. For instance, the more cups ice cream an individual takes, the less pleasure such an individual derives from the last cup of ice cream until finally, the individual stops taking the ice cream. This principle is otherwise explained as the theory of diminishing returns. He also modeled his theories after mathematical principles found in mechanics thereby incorporating mathematics into economics. Carl Menger on the other hand, failed to agree with Jevons’ notion and did not embrace the hedonic conception that Jevons added in his own works. Instead, he tried to explain diminishing marginal utility in terms of an individual prioritization of the possible usefulness or uses of a commodity (Evans & Phillips, 2006). In other words, Menger posits that consumers will always act in a way that ensures that their satisfaction is maximized in all inclinations. In other words, consumers will always apportion their money in such a way that the last component of a good or service that they purchased generates no more satisfaction than the last component of another good or service that they purchased (Evans & Phillips, 2006). He also failed to embrace the incorporation of mathematics into economics as observed in the case of Jevons. Walras conversely was more focused on the market interactions within an economy and also had similar views with Menger on the concept of diminishing marginal returns. He was of the opinion that as small as the change in a consumer’s preference for a particular commodity might be, it would always affect the producer’s predilection to adjust production of such a commodity. For instance, a shift in the consumer’s preference from land phones to mobile phones results in the reduction in the price of land phones and a corresponding increase in the price of mobile phones. The producer or manufacturer as the case may be would shift production to mobile phones which will lead to increase in market supply thereby setting a new price equilibrium between both commodities. Although the trio of Jevons, Menger, and Walras were responsible for the originating the Marginalist concept of economics which birthed neoclassical economics, their works were not so popular until it they were popularized by Francis Edgeworth, Alfred Marshall, Philip Henry Wicksteed and Lionel Robbins (Evans & Phillips, 2006). These set of economists were called the consolidators while Jevons, Menger, and Walras were known as the revolutionaries. Although not very common, a few economists have been referred to as the main proto-marginalists. These less-notable economists include Antoine Augustin Cournot (1838), Jules Dupuit (1844), Johann von Thunen (1850) and Heinrich Gossen (1854) (Evans & Phillips, 2006). Their era preceded that of the revolutionaries, but it was not until when Jevons, Menger and Walras published their own works that the Marginalist concept came into the economics public enlightenment. Also, the popularity of the Marginalist theory did not end with the consolidators; there was this group of economists known as the Revivalists who further incorporated the Marginalist theories into their own work, thereby leading to further popularization of the concept (Evans & Phillips, 2006). The economists that belong to the ‘Revivalist movement’ include: John Hicks (1939, 1934), Harold Hotelling (1938), Oskar Lange (1942), Maurice Allais (1943), and Paul Samuelson (1947) (Evans & Phillips, 2006). In one way or the other, all the above mentioned economists had a major role to play in the origin of the neoclassical economic movement. Another peculiarity of the neoclassical community of economics is that there appears to be factions or different ‘schools of thought’. This was as a result of the independent nature of the pioneers. That is, Jevons was writing in England, Menger from Austria, and Walras from France. They were not aware of each other as at that time and as a result; different schools of thought developed thereby presenting the neoclassical economic movement as an embodiment of different schools. These schools include the Lausanne School, Vienna School, Paretian School, Cambridge School, to mention but a few (Evans & Phillips, 2006). The neoclassical movement as a whole tends to address the issue of marginal utility. Marginal utility refers to the ‘utility’ that is derived from an increase in the consumption of a particular good or service. It could also refer to the ‘utility’ lost from a decrease in the consumption of a particular good or service. It results in the concept of diminishing marginal utility previously described, that is, more utility is obtained during the first consumption of the unit of a particular commodity than is obtained during the second consumption and this occurs in subsequent consumptions. It is basically what the Marginalist revolution was about. While consumers of a commodity strive to maximize the utility derived from the commodity, the producers or manufacturers of the community also tend to maximize profit in the process. Apart from maximizing utility and profits, the neoclassical economic movement also addressed the issue of rational preferences. Every human behavior is guided by a rational reasoning. This implies that an individual will always tend to select that which appears to be appropriate as far as satisfying his or her needs is concerned. As a result, such an individual develops a preference for that good or service that would suitably be of benefit to them by comparing the costs and benefits of their actions. Another issue that was addressed by the neoclassical economists was the question of how people act on the â€Å"basis of full and relevant information† (Evans & Phillips, 2006). It was proposed that an individual acted independently on this basis because the more relevant information such an individual had on a particular product, the better the chances of maximizing utility. From the mentioned issues, it is evident that there is a kind of overlap between them. For instance, an individual that has a relevant information on a particular good or service is then provided with the choice of comparing the costs and benefits of acquiring such product or service. After comparing the costs and benefits, the individual chooses to either develop a preference for that product or some other favorable product in order to maximize utility. The analytical method utilized by neoclassical economists involves the hypothetical-deductive methods (Evans & Phillips, 2006). This method is more mathematical in nature thus leading to the neoclassical economists being accused of â€Å"mathematicalizing† economics. In order to observe the economic system for the sake of analysis, neoclassical economists strive to develop various tools that will aid them in analyzing the system. These tools are developed with from mathematical models and are then used to hypothetically deduce an explanation or solution to the defined problem. A typical example of this method of analysis is the marginal revenue that is usually used to calculate the extra income that will be gained from selling an additional unit of a particular commodity. Mathematically, it is described as the rate of change of total revenue per change in the number of units sold and can be expressed as From the relation above, TR is the total revenue, P is the price of the commodity and Q is the quantity demanded. When the price does not change with quantity, then meaning that the marginal revenue is equal to the price of the commodity (Evans & Phillips, 2006). To address the main purpose of this essay, which is to know whether neoclassical economics represents an evolution of economic theory from an early, flawed version (Classical Economics) to a more advanced, improved theory or rather represents the birth of a new discipline that decided to abandon many of the questions and issues that had troubled Classical Economics instead of trying to offer a better way to address them, it can be inferred from the above discussion of both economic theories that contrary to the popular views of people that neoclassical economic theory evolved from classical economic theory so as to amend its flaws, the opposite (not reverse) is the case, that is, the neoclassical economic theory actually evolved from the classical economic theory but it addressed a complete set of totally different issues. The reason for this assumption is evident. The classical economic theories as earlier discussed mainly addressed the issues concerning the labor theories of value, theories of distribution, and that of comparative advantage while the neoclassical economic theories essentially address the issue of marginal utility, rational preferences, and the predilection of individuals to act on the basis of full and relevant information. Placing these issues side-by-side, one would observe that they are quite different and do not seem to overlap. This means that as much as it is that the neoclassical economists evolved from the classical economists, their views are entirely different and do not seem to correlate. For instance, the theories of distribution which emphasize that national the national product is divided between the laborer, capital owner and the landlord, is not in any way applicable to any of the issues attended to by the neoclassical economists. Similarly, the theory of marginal utility as an issue addressed by the neoclassical economists is not applicable in either the labor theory of value, comparative advantage principle or the theory of distribution. What this spells out is that the neoclassical economic movement represents the birth of an entirely new discipline that has decided to abandon many of the questions and issues that had troubled classical economics instead of trying to offer a better way to address them. Instead of improving on the issue of labor theory of value, it chose to adopt a totally new issue which it termed theory of marginal utility thereby creating difficulties when it comes to finding a correlation between both economic movements. Also, when considering the analytical tools employed by both economic movements, it is apparent that there are conflicting issues as well which further buttress the point that is being made here. While the neoclassical economists are hypothetically or mathematically inclined, the classical economists are historically inclined. Generally speaking, most scholars who have studied both methods of analyzing the economy would stick with the classical because it is believed that economics as a social science is more accurately gauged by the historical approach than mere mathematical models which failed to address the issues surrounding the great depression in the 1920s when it occurred. Subjectively speaking therefore, the neoclassical economic movement does not improve on classical economics as claimed by many but instead, it addressed a brand new project. Finally, given the methods of economic analysis employed by both, it is evident that the neoclassical analytical method is not as effective at addressing its goals as much as the classical analytical method is at addressing its own goals which still points out the point that has been made by this essay. References Evans, B. , & Phillips, S. (2006). Comprehensive History of Economics (4th ed. ). Pretoria: Brayton Publishers.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Orphanage, comment on Orphange by Wendy Wilder Larsen and I met You in Essay

Orphanage, comment on Orphange by Wendy Wilder Larsen and I met You in the Orphanage yard by Thich Nhat Hanh - Essay Example The word orphanage is an ugly one. It has Dickensian overtones of cruelty to children who are already dealt the dreadful catastrophe of losing their parents. These days, there are few or no orphanages in the Western world: the economies of prosperous countries are such that their birth rates are dropping, with the result that any unparented children quickly find a home. The aftermath of war, anywhere, however, brings about a raft of children whose fate is to survive (Williams 2003) and to find themselves at the mercy of host countries after being herded into orphanages in the theatre of conflict itself. Because conflicts kill, and kill mostly adults. Global diasporas caused by wars carry many streams of people (Williams 2003) many of whom are children. The two poems in the spotlight show a surface similarity - they are both about children left parentless by war, but, since they are written by a woman and a man with a polarity of cultures, many differences - subtle and overt - are to be found. Larsen’s poem illustrates the well-meaning but wildly inconsiderate actions that take place after any catastrophe: how (generally) white Western people offer charity without thinking of the consequences, either immediate or long-term. ‘I went with balloons, hard candies, / old National Geographics’(Mahony 1998): it is bewildering to anyone who has worked with the homeless and parentless to see the perceptions of those who have never experienced a moment of having absolutely nothing, not even a Mom. Good intentions often blow up in the face of the giver, and that is what happens in Larsen’s poem: the narrator brings gifts to an orphanage, only to find herself face to face with her own misapprehensions and lack of sensitivity. This can be taken as an analogy for countries who intervene into conflicts among communities of whose culture they have little or no idea, and of

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Activities Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

Activities - Essay Example However, lack of eye contact might show a real disinterest which would make the person presenting or discussing change strategies to keep their attention. A person needs to know the differences between all of these verbal and non-verbal cues to create a strategy for effective conversation or presentation. Emotional intelligence is important because it helps a person understand their own feelings and also the feelings of others. This helps the group member keep self-control and not act on their negative emotions which can be a turn off from others in the group. It also shows others in the group that you have empathy for their needs and gives you a strategy to talk on their level to gain more interest and willingness to follow. Emotions create social connection. When a person wants to be a team leader, they cannot be explosive when angry or overly excited if they want a positive follower response. In reflection, I learned a great deal about my personality. I often dismiss the words of others when I feel strongly about a certain issue or activity. This is because I have a great deal of trust in my own decision-making and I often do not like to work in groups because of this. However, I learned that active listening actually provides more diversity of solutions or quality discussion when the group leader gives people opportunities to speak their minds. This will be beneficial because people like to share in decision-making and be recognized for their own talents and knowledge. I will remember to be an active listener when in a leader role so that I gain more commitment and better social relationships with a mutual and shared focus. The most important lesson learned was about emotional intelligence. Many people have their own sets of values and principles that are unique from others. These attitudes impact behavior, discussion and the amount of conflict that can arise in the group or team. It is important to understand that people

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 19

Assignment Example Iron catalyses L-DOPA to generate a genuine free radical which forms covalent bonds. These compounds then make good means to bond antifouling polymers. 6. If you want to break the amide (peptide) bonds that marine life use to attach themselves to ship, one should put a minimum of hydrophobic coating on to minimize the adhesive strength of the bonds. This process is called amide hydrolysis. 8. Fluid Flow in most non-biological applications falls into non-biological applications fall into either the laminar flow region for gas phase flows or the turbulent region for liquid phase flows. For biological flows, one is often in the molecula flow regime. 11. 1 (a) Artificial Kidney: Polyhydroxyethylmethacrylate (PHEMA) which is a cross-linked hydrogel. It is not absorbed by the body, capable of withstanding heat sterilization without damage, has resistance to degradation and it contains water content similar to living tissue. (b) Blood Vessels: Nitinol, a shape memory alloys is used as an artificial blood vessel like coronary artery. The memory alloy has the capability of being deformed and going back to its original shape when pressure is released. The materials should be non-corrosive, have resistance to blood platelet, be durable and non-toxic. (c) Contact Lenses: Polyhydroxyethylmethacrylate (PHEMA) is also used in the production of contact lenses. It is selected since it can be organized into any shape or form; it can withstand degradation and can’t be absorbed by the body. (d) Artificial Heart: Polyethylene terephthalate (Knitted Dacron) and Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) as vascular graft are in common use for creation of artificial heart components. Materials should exhibit resistance to platelet and blood clotting, it should have biomechanical strength and durability, non-toxicity and biocompatibility. (e) Hip & Knee replacement: Materials used for hip & knee replacement are metallic biomaterials divided into 3 groups

Friday, July 26, 2019

Toyota Motor Corporation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Toyota Motor Corporation - Essay Example On pursuing its business model, Toyota periodically reviews the carrying value of its long-term assets used in the business, including intangible assets as circumstances deserve such review. The company carries out the review using estimates of future cash flows and fair value that the management think would influence the accurate valuation of assets. In the same way, Toyota also needs to consider the assets like high quality fixed income bonds and fixed income bonds that are presently available and anticipated to be available in the future. The company also takes into account the deferred tax assets as there are chances for the actual taxable income to differ from the estimated amounts due to various assumptions (Toyota Motor Corporation, 2010). There are liquid assets in the business which the company defines cash and cash equivalents, time deposits, marketable debt securities that are taken into account to make sure that the company is in line with its business model. However, goo dwill is not material to Toyota’s consolidated balance sheet, and intangible assets with a definite life are amortised on a straight-line basis with estimated useful lifetime of five year. Intangible assets with indefinite life are examined for impairment whenever incidents or circumstance signify that a carrying amount of an asset may not be recuperated. The company evaluates the impairment loss when carrying amount of an asset exceeds the estimated undiscounted cash flows. Toyota’s strategy and aim for plan asset management is to maximise returns on plan assets to meet future benefit payment requirements under risks that the company thinks to be permissible (Toyota Motor Corporation, 2010). Assets in financial accounting can be considered as the economic resources of the firm. Anything that is touchable or intangible and able to be owned by or administered to produce value by preserving it on the process of obtaining a positive economic value can be regarded as an as set. In simple worlds, asset can be stated as an ownership that can be converted into cash (cash itself is an asset). Asset in simple sense is anything of value that a company owns, including cash and should be recorded on the balance sheet of the company. Even if the firm used credit to purchase an asset, the company still owns it. In such case, the original cost of the asset must be recorded on the asst side of the balance sheet as well as the amount that the company owes should be recorded on the liability side of the balance sheet. The three components that constitute a company’s balance sheet, which illustrate the business’s financial position at any point are assets, liabilities, and owners’ equity (U.S. Securities Exchange Commission, 2007). This association among these three components can be explained using the following equation: Assets = Liabilities + Owners’ Equity This equation sets the framework for keeping trace of money as it flows in and out of the business. Every penny in the business should be recorded into appropriate ledgers, every single transaction into the books using a double-entry system of debit and credit. In general accounting practice, assets are recorded on the top left side of the balance sheet. Assets may be classified in many ways and the principal distinction normally made for business purposes is between: Fixed assets and Current assets. There are other business

Challenging Banning Boxing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Challenging Banning Boxing - Essay Example Lately, health and fitness-conscious people have included boxing in their exercise regimen since it also increases stamina and makes dieting more effective. People's interest in boxing increases as years pass by. More kids would want to follow the footsteps of boxing icons like Muhammad Ali and Rocky Marciano who rose to fame and became financially able because of boxing. It can be noted that most of the boxers came from a lowly background; it could be because some view this sport as an avenue to escape from poverty. For boxing aficionados, the level of excitement that the action-packed sport brings is incomparable to any martial arts. But the boxers' dilemma does not vary that much whether they are in the boxing ring at the rural areas or in world-class arenas. But is the few critical injuries incurred in boxing enough to make the authorities decide to ban the sport I'd say, not! Banning boxing because of its close proximity to savage violent behavior is wrong. Prohibiting this sport will defeat its purpose of instilling a sense of disciple particularly in young individuals who are working hard to reach their dream of becoming a world boxing champion. Discipline in a sense that boxing keeps the youth away from engaging in prohibited drugs and other vices. Many of life's lessons are ac

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Human Relations School of Thought compared to a Taylorist Fordist Essay

Human Relations School of Thought compared to a Taylorist Fordist perspective - Essay Example The human relations school of thought is to a great extent superior to Taylorism given the value it attaches to people and the role of the motivated employee in the workplace. The approach changed Taylor's view of the workers as machines and instead shifted the attention from the task to the worker. It is in the human relations approach to management that for the worker was viewed as being an important component of the organization. The manager's perception of the workers in the human relations school was holistic as opposed to Taylor's focus on the bundle of aptitudes. The human relations approach was aimed at changing the attitudes of the managers towards their subordinates. Managers embrace such propositions today and are significantly concerned with how they relate to their workers. The human relations school of thought proposed the need for managers to create a sense of satisfaction and belonging for their workers by demonstrating an interest in the welfare and personal success. Taylor’s misleading assumption that people could only be motivated by financial incentives and the individualistic approach he gave to work performance make the scientific management approach a lesser evolved management approach compared to the human relations approach. The importance of a two-way communication approach between the manager and the subordinates is emphasised in the human relations school of thought. The human relations school of thought views the productivity of the employees as being dependent on the satisfaction of the employee.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Battle of Mogadishu (Black Hawk Down) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Battle of Mogadishu (Black Hawk Down) - Essay Example The mission aimed to abduct several top lieutenants and significantly warlord Mohamed Farrah Aidid then return to base. The operation intended to last for 90 minutes. The work provides insightful and original analysis of the commander’s performance, based on establishing cohesive teams through mutual trust, use of mission orders, and accepting prudent risk. On 3rd October 1993, Task Force Ranger, U.S. Special Operations Forces comprised of Bravo Company 3rd Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment, 1st Special Forces Operational Detachment-Delta (better known as â€Å"Delta Force†) operators, and the 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment (Airborne), (â€Å"The Night Stalkers†), attempted to capture Aidid’s foreign minister Omar Salad Elmi and his top political advisor, Mohamed Hassan Awale. The Special Forces elements involved lightly armed warriors fielding submarine guns, automatic rifles, and light machine guns1. Delta Forces members had variety ofi assault rifles whilst Army Rangers depended on the support of squad-level, small-caliber machine guns in the M60 and M249 SAW. In addition, Heavily-caliber, vehicle-mounted 0.50 quality weapons were on lightly armored HUMVEE vehicles. However, main line of heavy support lay in the air cover provided by Sikorsky UH-60 Black Hawk medium transport and Hughes OH-6 â€Å"Little Bird† light helicopters. The Black Hawks outfitted a pair of 0.50-caliber heavy machine guns while; â€Å"Little Birds† fielded a collection of mini-guns, rocket pods, or M60 machine guns as needed. The Somali militias used AK-47s, rocket propelled grenade launchers (RPG-7), automatic rifles. They convoyed in improvised fighting vehicles. During this period, the Somali guerillas gained several tactical advantages over the US Special Forces. First, the Somali militias engaged on familiar grounds, leaders could muster an Army of several thousand men, and boys in short order. Second, their civilian appearance

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Assginment due 1 aug Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Assginment due 1 aug - Assignment Example Retirement means a different thing to almost every person who chooses to retire. The reasons for retirement, the age of retirement, and the financial health of the individual are all relevant to the decision. What one choses to do after retirement will have an effect on the health of the individual as they choose to be more sedentary or choose to pursue activities (Miller, 2010). Comparing two people who have gone into retirement at different times of life and for different number of years since retirement shows that the experience has some commonalities to general statistics, but is unique for how the individuals feel about their experience and how they have approached the event. In looking at the retirement of Cathy and Kim, the event reveals some conclusions about how to approach retirement while also expressing how the experience is individual. Cathy is a retired teacher who entered into retirement four years ago. She entered teaching because of the incentives that were being given at the time and was happy to retire early, her pension and saving providing for enough of a nest egg that she could afford to retire at the age of 52. She felt that she had given her best to teaching and had come to a place where she no longer had the same kind of enthusiasm for the profession that had once been a source of energy for her as she had enlightened students. One of her favorite moments with a student had been to see that light go on in their eyes as they came to an understanding that they had not previously had before she had given them that knowledge. That moment had not been bringing her the same kind of fulfillment and she felt it was time to move on to other pursuits. She did not really feel retired, but more that she had entered a new phase in her life. She did not really miss teaching as she had continued to teach as a volunteer, providing art instruction at a school district where budget cuts had eliminated the art education. Cathy

Monday, July 22, 2019

Client-Server Networking Essay Example for Free

Client-Server Networking Essay What I can think of to return the computer to an operational state is troubling a video problem. It maybe relating to the graphic card and the program that may run with it. The graphics adapter may either be corrupted or installed wrong under a different version. For example if the graphic is supposed to be run on a x64 based window 7 instead of a x86 version. Making sure that your video card must have a display driver installed in order to do anything but the most basic drawing to the screen. If youre having any problems with your video card, one of the first things you should do is download the latest display driver, uninstall the current display driver, and then install the new driver you downloaded. This could help with any other problems that may have occurred. Another thing to remember is to uninstall your current display driver before installing one. If you dont uninstall first then you can sometimes cause some pretty obscure problems. Another potential problem solver is to try another monitor that can handle the screen resolution.

John Locke And 18th Century Materialists Philosophy Essay

John Locke And 18th Century Materialists Philosophy Essay John Locke, the British philosopher and physician, is considered to be one of the most prominent figures of the Age of Enlightenment; he is also sometimes referred to as the Father of Liberalism. Drawing on the philosophical principles of Francis Bacon, his predecessor, and the progress of contemporary natural science with what it could offer philosophy in terms of contributing to its progress John Locke developed the theory of empiricism that had a profound influence on French materialists of the Enlightenment Age. In his first book Essay Concerning Human Understanding John Locke laid down his major principles of the human mind being what can be described as tabula rasa, a blank on which people write what they acquire from their experience. He contrasted his major principle of cognition to Descartes ideas of innatism claiming people would not be able not to recognize the existence of such ideas if only they possessed them. Lockes also referred to the way different people learn throughout their lives, and how basic principles they are guided with vary for different people and at different periods of time. As human experience is the only source of knowledge, people depend on their senses in acquiring knowledge. Thus Lockes theory is also known as sensualism. According to Locke, the experience should be seen as either external or internal. The former, also called sensation, provides us with what we know about the objects of the external world (or what we suppose to be such, as there is no evidence, according to Locke, of their actual physical existence). These can be, for example, sounds, motion, color, size, etc. The internal experience, or reflection, is expressed in such human processes as knowing, believing, doubting etc., all of which are related to our internal operations of the spirit caused by the influence of objects. Also, Locke discriminates between simple and complex sensations and reflections, depending on whether they can be reduced to more simple elements (e.g. rotundity) or they are such that cannot be reduced to more simple components. Complex ideas that we have about complex elements can be also distinguished into three groups: ideas of substance, ideas of mode and ideas of relationship. The first group includes certain simple ideas of a given object that has its core characteristics; the ideas of mode are a combination of ideas presented by human mind, which are the reflection of the mode or features of existing things. The ideas of relationship derive from human comparison of ideas and may include certain relationship and cause or other types of relations. Besides, Locke stipulated the existence of general ideas that come as a result of isolating the universal, abstract idea from the actual object due to its being common to several sensations. Thus the humans collect abstract ideas, which are regarded as the cognitive process of nominalization. Having given a detailed theory of human cognition process, John Locke emphasized the value of education by claiming that he thought that it may be said that of all the men we meet with, nine parts of ten were what they were, good or evil, useful or not, were made by their education. (Locke, 1979). It is important to see what implications Lockes ideas had for ethics and political theory both of his contemporaries and further periods of human history. In his ethical principles Locke approaches Rationalism. As there are no innate moral ideas human well-being becomes the key the criterion of moral actions. Human experience demonstrates that all people try to find more pleasure and avoid pain. Yet if people are rational in their pursuit of pleasure they will come to principles of cooperation that will result in the general happiness and welfare coinciding with individual emotions. Therefore it is in the best interests of people to think of others, to be focused on general good, both in terms of their daily routine and what may come after their lives in this world. Locke supported religious freedom (being himself born into a Puritan family) and was against dogmatic approach to religious principles emphasizing on the ethical principles of Christianity. Specifically focusing on tolera nce, Locke rejected atheism and Roman Catholicism. Those ideas and principles expressed by an outstanding philosopher that were probably most valued by different people and prominent political leaders in different countries are those associated with political theories. Locke postulated that all people were created equal (the principle referred to by the US Constitution and its founders expressing their admiration of Locke). No person had the right over other persons life, health, liberty, or possessions. The state had to be result of peoples concession and had to be guided by natural laws. Rights of property had to be valued, and each person had to exercise his or her right over the products of their labor. Therefore Locke is justly looked upon as the founder of liberalism in politics, with his influence extending far to other thinkers and their theories. Similarly to Locke, La Mettrie was a man with broad academic background typical for great thinkers of his time. He, like Locke, also found his main opponent in the personality of Rene Descartes contrasting his principles to the latters principles of rationalism, or truth through knowledge. For La Mettrie truth came through experience, and this principle of empiricism makes him what can be described as Lockes disciple. Another point of debate was that Descartes claimed animals were machines. La Mettrie argues with Descartes about what he termed as an absurd system. In his best-known work Man a Machine, though, La Mettrie comes closer to principles of Descartes who considered the soul as a separate entity from the body and denied the soul in men, thus recognizing only the mind, which, according to him, was merely a function of the brain. Further in his book, La Mettrie surveyed the philosophy of materialism and atheism. In contrast to John Lockes principles, La Mettrie denied that the natural world could serve as the evidence of God. According to him, all the evidences of a creator, repeated thousands and thousands of times, were the evidences that placed far above the comprehension of men. The natural consequence is his next idea that life might be completely without purpose. La Mettrie considered the essence and attributes of matter. He claimed that its main property was the ability to move. This feature is universal for describing any objects in the world and therefore can be hardly argued with. For La Mettrie the human soul was not more than the physical functions of the body not proved by any evidence of physiology. Being consistent in applying his theories to humans La Mettrie brought to the maximum the principles of the philosophers of the Age of Enlightenment. Having the medical academic background, La Mettrie cited examples from anatomy, physiology, and psychology showing the functions of the body as the basis of what philosophers considered to be a soul. His claim was that people were so closely related to animals that there hardly was a difference between them. La Mettries man was organic, self-moving (as part of any matter), active; the philosopher made no distinction between conscious, or voluntary movement and unconscious, or instinctive move ment. Other important implications of La Mettries theory were those connected to moral issues. He viewed the moral problems as something that needed to be associated with physiological nature of human beings. For him the good and the evil were merely arbitrarily notions constructed social structures out of their own interests and with the aim of serving their own needs, which not only could not be corroborate by natural science but also contradicted it and the nature of an individual. La Mettrie went as far as stating that by recognizing the arbitrary nature of moral principles developed by mankind and its institutions people would get better chances of getting happiness for them and accept wider frameworks of behavior patterns. According to him, the society could not dispose of its members that their behavior aimed at personal happiness was contrary to its principles. The objects of La Mettrie acute criticism was in particular Christianity as a moral systems, because he believed that it was based on an adequate and distorted principles of addressing the human nature. La Mettrie philosophy can be seen as starting from John Lockes basic principles of empiricism, sensualim and liberalism but then departing from them far enough to get to atheism and the kind of materialism that exaggerated the physiological nature of human beings, underestimating the principles of their social behavior and thus reducing them to creatures not bound by moral principles or social laws.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Example Of Television Advertising Campaign Marketing Essay

Example Of Television Advertising Campaign Marketing Essay Choose a company or a brand of a product of service in NZ. Focusing on the integrated marketing communication system of the company. I choose McDonald. I would explain McDonald focusing on the integrated marketing communication system. McDonalds Promotion strategy is Think Global Act Local. Moreover, im lovin it is a key part of McDonalds promotion strategy to link with customers in highly relevant, culturally important ways around the world Example of Television Advertising Campaign The advertising goal of this television advertising is to support back up sale promotion campaign, and to advise the customer serving new promotion of McDonalds menu. Certainly, the speedy delivery service is a special selling point of McDonalds. When I saw this advertising at the first time, I want to provide McDonalds delivery service because its a speedy service and delicious and interesting menus. I think this advertising strategy employ the emotion to hold the customers. After seeing this adverting, I want to provide McDonalds because of speedy delivery service, and interesting promotion. Advertising Campaign McDonalds has a wide scope of McDonalds campaign in many countries. Moreover, it focuses on average their brand name but localizing their advertising campaign. In New Zealand, television advertising campaign aimed specifically the children and teenager. The main goal of television advertising to make customer awareness the new products (menus). Public Relations McDonalds in New Zealand use the public relation using the internet media like MSN to update the new goods and hot promotion on it, so it is simple way for the person who likes McDonalds. Matter of fact, an amusing activity is a good method of McDonalds public connection to promote brand image McDonalds focuses on helping seek settlement for problem facing families and children today. The main goal is to certain needs of improving the lifestyle of underprivileged children. Q2-Identify and describe the elements of promotional mix they use in their integrated marketing communication. There are five main fields of a promotional mix.[1 ]These are: Advertising Announcement and promotion of thinking, services or goods, or by an identified sponsor. Examples: radio, Print ads, television, direct mail, billboard, ,brochures and catalogs, signs, posters, in-store displays, motion pictures, banner ads, Web pages, and emails. Personal selling -Personal selling is effective in influencing the buying process, specially make buyers favor, confidence and action. Examples: sales meetings, Sales presentations, incentive programs for intermediary salespeople, sales training, samples, and telemarketing. Can be via telephone or face-to-face. Sales promotion non-media and media marketing communication are hired for limited time, a pre-determined to increase stimulate market demand, consumer demand or improve product availability. Examples: sweepstakes, coupons, contests, product samples, self-liquidating premiums, rebates, trade-ins, trade shows, and exhibitions. Public relations Paid close stimulation of supply for goods, service, or business unit by planting important news about it or a satisfactory presentation of it in the media. Examples: magazine and Newspaper articles/reports, radios and TV presentations, speeches, charitable contributions, seminars, and issue advertising. Direct Marketing is a system of marketing by which organizations communicate directly with target customers to generate a response and/or a transaction. For example, email, mobile messaging, interactive consumer websites, fliers, online display ads, promotional letters, catalog distribution ,and outdoor advertising. Q3-Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each element in the promotional mix. The major marketing communication tools, including advertising, public relations, sales promotion, direct and online marketing, and personal selling are discussed below. The advantages of advertising are that first, advertiser controls the message. Second, cost effective method to communicate with large customers. Third, effective method makes symbolic appeals and brand images. Fourth, often it can be effective method to touch immediate chord with consumers. The disadvantages of advertising are that first, high cost of producing and running ads. Second, it caused credibility problems and consumer skepticism. Third, difficulty is in determining effectiveness. Fourth, it is only a one-way communication. The advantages of personal selling are first, direct contact between seller and buyer permits for more flexibility. Second, it can tailor sales message to detailed needs of consumers. Third, it allows for more direct and immediate feedback. Fourth, sales efforts can be aimed to detailed markets and customers who are best vision. The disadvantages of personal selling are first, high costs per contact. Second, expensive way to reach large audiences. Third, difficult to have constant and uniform message conveyed to all customers. The advantages of sales promotion are divided 2 parts, consumer-oriented and trade-oriented. The consumer-oriented is targeted to the eventual users of service or a product. ex) coupons, sampling, contests, sweepstakes. The trade-oriented is targeted toward marketing intermediaries like wholesalers, retailers or distributors. ex) promotion allowances, price deals, trade shows. The advantages of public relations are first, it can reach many prospects that are difficult for other communication tools. Second, a combination of public relations with other communication tools in the business campaign can be very effective and economical. The advantages of direct marketing are first, alters in society have made consumers more capacity to direct marketing. Second, Permit marketers to be very target specific segments of customers and selective. Third, messages can be customized for specific customers. Fourth, effectiveness is easier to measure. The disadvantages of direct marketing are first, absence of customer receptivity and very low reply rates. Second, it has image problems-particularly with telemarketing. Third, it can be clutter. The advantages of interactive/internet marketing are first, it can be used for kinds of IMC competence. Second, messages can be tailored to detailed needs and interests of customers. Third, interactive leads to higher level of involvement. Fourth, it can supply a lot of information to customers. The disadvantages of interactive/internet marketing are first, internet is not yet a mass medium as many consumers lack access. Second, attention to internet ads is very low. Third, great deal of clutter on the internet. Fourth, customer measurement is a big problem on the internet. I did not analyze Q4 because I do not know what the message structure in the promotional mix tool. But I did my best what I could do. Thank you for reading my assignment.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Outsider in Sailor Who Fell from Grace with the Sea and Wonderful F

The â€Å"Outsider† in Sailor Who Fell from Grace with the Sea and Wonderful Fool  Ã‚  Ã‚   The Sailor Who Fell from Grace with the Sea   Wonderful Fool     In designing the characters in a novel, frequently, an author includes a character who finds himself on the outside of the accepted society. This outsider character often finds himself at a disadvantage. The mere fact that he is unfamiliar in his society tends to create problems for the character to solve. After solving these problems, the character leaves behind a lasting effect on at least one other character, both of whom have changed dramatically due to the influence of the outsider. In Yukio Mishima's novel The Sailor Who Fell from Grace with the Sea, the character Ryuji Tsukazaki filled this role. Ryuji is a very accomplished sailor who, after beginning a life on land finds himself uncomfortable and uneasy with his surroundings. In fact, throughout the novel, the reader is told about his desire for a life at sea and his favorite song, "I Can't Give Up the Sailor's Life" (Mishima 17). Ryuji, who "had been guided by an antipathy to land" to become a sailor, finds himself in many uncomfortable positions throughout his life on the land, especially in Winter after his return to Fusako and Noboru (Mishima 15). Ryuji, unable to find camaraderie and acceptance on sea or on land, felt empty and isolated. As a young man, Ryuji experienced many tragedies while growing up. The death of his father, mother, and sister gave him a sour taste of life on land. He found it difficult to feel comfortable and at ease on land, "his only memories of life on shore were of poverty and sickness and death, of endless devastation; by becoming a sailor, he had detached himself from the land forever" (... ...ture from their company, Takamori and Tomoe finally realized that Gaston, truly an "enigma", turned out to indeed be a "wonderful fool" (Endo 52, 180). The outsider character in both novels finds himself at odds with his surroundings. Although the plot was different in both novels, certain similarities between the two characters still exist. Both had to evoke a lot of inner strength to overcome their difficulties, both struggled internally and externally with their predicament, and most importantly, both left a lasting impact on the characters involved in the plot. These characters, Gaston Bonaparte and Ryuji Tsukazaki, will definitely remain as two of the most influential "outsider" characters in modern literature. Works Cited: Mishima, Yukio. (Translated by John Nathan) The Sailor Who Fell from Grace with the Sea, New York, Vintage International, 1993. The Outsider in Sailor Who Fell from Grace with the Sea and Wonderful F The â€Å"Outsider† in Sailor Who Fell from Grace with the Sea and Wonderful Fool  Ã‚  Ã‚   The Sailor Who Fell from Grace with the Sea   Wonderful Fool     In designing the characters in a novel, frequently, an author includes a character who finds himself on the outside of the accepted society. This outsider character often finds himself at a disadvantage. The mere fact that he is unfamiliar in his society tends to create problems for the character to solve. After solving these problems, the character leaves behind a lasting effect on at least one other character, both of whom have changed dramatically due to the influence of the outsider. In Yukio Mishima's novel The Sailor Who Fell from Grace with the Sea, the character Ryuji Tsukazaki filled this role. Ryuji is a very accomplished sailor who, after beginning a life on land finds himself uncomfortable and uneasy with his surroundings. In fact, throughout the novel, the reader is told about his desire for a life at sea and his favorite song, "I Can't Give Up the Sailor's Life" (Mishima 17). Ryuji, who "had been guided by an antipathy to land" to become a sailor, finds himself in many uncomfortable positions throughout his life on the land, especially in Winter after his return to Fusako and Noboru (Mishima 15). Ryuji, unable to find camaraderie and acceptance on sea or on land, felt empty and isolated. As a young man, Ryuji experienced many tragedies while growing up. The death of his father, mother, and sister gave him a sour taste of life on land. He found it difficult to feel comfortable and at ease on land, "his only memories of life on shore were of poverty and sickness and death, of endless devastation; by becoming a sailor, he had detached himself from the land forever" (... ...ture from their company, Takamori and Tomoe finally realized that Gaston, truly an "enigma", turned out to indeed be a "wonderful fool" (Endo 52, 180). The outsider character in both novels finds himself at odds with his surroundings. Although the plot was different in both novels, certain similarities between the two characters still exist. Both had to evoke a lot of inner strength to overcome their difficulties, both struggled internally and externally with their predicament, and most importantly, both left a lasting impact on the characters involved in the plot. These characters, Gaston Bonaparte and Ryuji Tsukazaki, will definitely remain as two of the most influential "outsider" characters in modern literature. Works Cited: Mishima, Yukio. (Translated by John Nathan) The Sailor Who Fell from Grace with the Sea, New York, Vintage International, 1993.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Why Safety Belts? :: Car collisions

Why Safety Belts? To understand the value of safety belt use, it's important to understand some of the dynamics of a crash. Every motor vehicle crash is actually comprised of three collisions. The Car's Collision The first collision is known as the car's collision, which causes the car to buckle and bend as it hits something and comes to an abrupt stop. This occurs in approximately one-tenth of a second. The crushing of the front end absorbs some of the force of the crash and cushions the rest of the car. As a result, the passenger compartment comes to a more gradual stop than the front of the car. The Human Collision The second collision occurs as the car's occupants hit some part of the vehicle. At the moment of impact, unbelted occupants are still travelling at the vehicle's original speed. Just after the vehicle comes to a complete stop, these unbelted occupants will slam into the steering wheel, the windshield, or some other part of the vehicle interior. This is the human collision. Another form of human collision is the person-to-person impact. Many serious injuries are caused by unbelted occupants colliding with each other. In a crash, occupants tend to move toward the point of impact, not away from it. People in the front seat are often struck by unbelted rear-seat passengers who have become high-speed projectiles. The Internal Collision Even after the occupant's body comes to a complete stop, the internal organs are still moving forward. Suddenly, these organs hit other organs or the skeletal system. This third collision is the internal collision and often causes serious or fatal injuries. So, Why Safety Belts? During a crash, properly fastened safety belts distribute the forces of rapid deceleration over larger and stronger parts of the person's body, such as the chest, hips and shoulders.

George MacDonalds The Princess and the Goblin :: MacDonald Princess Goblin essays

George MacDonald's The Princess and the Goblin All over the world people have believed in a race of creatures, superhuman and subhuman, that are not gods or ghosts, but differ from humans in their powers, properties, and attributes (Briggs, Vanishing 27). The concepts of these creatures/fairies have been passed down through generations in many cultures through forms such as songs, sayings, and stories. Stories such as folktales and myths have wide array of fairy types found in them from various cultures' folklores (Abrams 101). Little people (lesser spirits) are often considered a subclass of fairies and include creatures like gnomes, trolls, and goblins (Rose 200, South 329). George MacDonald in his myth novel, The Princess and the Goblin, draws from many folk sources to bring to life his underworld "goblins." These "goblins" are an amalgamation of various types of little people. MacDonald effectively brings together attributes of goblins, dwarfs and trolls, gnomes and kobolds, and brownies to create a narrative full of tension and humour. First, MacDonald's "goblins" once lived above ground as humans, but they chose refuge underground to avoid severe taxes placed on them by the king (MacDonald 3). Through time, these people were transformed into "goblins." This is similar to the common suggested origin of the little people as humans conquered by other races that now conceal themselves from their conquerors (South 334). The fairies are often said to have been Eve's children whom she hid from God because she was embarrassed by them; God was not deceived and decided that those children should be "hidden from all Mankind" forever (Briggs, Vanishing 31). These origins suggest that the creatures are half human, which is a common idea in Scandinavian tradition (Briggs, Vanishing 31). This human origin of the "goblins" suggests that they are one side of human nature. There is a tension between the "goblins" and the humans as they show different aspects of life and morality. Second, the goblins, dwarfs and trolls, gnomes and kobolds, and brownies are all small, but they are humanlike in form though often described as misshapen and grotesque, and except for brownies, they are also often described as being old with gray hair and beards (Rose 51, 93, 128, 316). MacDonald's "goblins" are dwarfed and hideous, and though they are not described as old looking, their cleverness is associated with this characteristic (MacDonald 4). The use of these common folklore images of little people creates creatures that can be imagined easily by the reader.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Advantages and Disadvantages of Starting Up a Business

Advantages of Starting up a Business Advantages of starting your own small or medium business can include: Being your own Boss – You can make your own decisions, keep your own time and not have to answer to â€Å"The Boss† Hard Work & Know How – If you are a hard worker and / or have immense industry know how, you may want to benefit from the long hours you do or the knowledge that you have acquired over time. Financial Independence – One day, you may realize your dream of financial independence.Creative Freedom – No more restrictions, you can do what you like and have the freedom to work, design, create, build what you think is best – your way! Goodwill – You don't have to pay for it, you get to build it. Location, Premises, Building Fit out – You get to choose it all. Staff – You not lumped with staff you don't want. You hire and train from scratch – Your way. No Bad Name – A fresh business, a fresh start. Your name has no bad history with suppliers or customers. If you buy a business, you may find some people just won't deal with the business because of past dealings. Business Image – You create the business image you want.Your way. Disadvantages of starting your own small or medium business can include: Cash Flow – Your business may not have a positive cash flow for two years – how are you going to cover that? Competitors – You may invest all this time, money and effort into your business and a large competitor targets your customers and offers them a similar product / service at below your cost – until your business has failed. Homework – Have you done it? You may do it all and then find when you are all set up, that something from left field becomes apparent and significantly alters the outlook of your business.History – If you buy a business, you are buying something. You are buying history of the business trading, you have staff in place, equipment and premises in place, customers ringing in with orders on your first Monday morning. If you start a business, you have no history. Everything must be generated from scratch. Married to the Business – This is a common phrase from small business owners. It basically means, your hours of work and level of commitment is such that you cannot take a holiday, your business is always with you (day, nights ; weekends) and basically your neck is on the line.You can't just throw the keys back and give it all away if it gets too hard! Suppliers – Suppliers may not extend you credit as your business has no history, so you may have to pay upfront for your goods, and you may not collect money from your customers for those goods for 90 – 120 days. This is very detrimental to cash flow. Can you sustain this? Have you factored it into your budget? Family – Is your family situation such that you can undertake this huge venture of starting a small busine ss from scratch? It often means a huge sacrifice with no guarantee of reward. Advantages and Disadvantages of Starting Up a Business Advantages of Starting up a Business Advantages of starting your own small or medium business can include: Being your own Boss – You can make your own decisions, keep your own time and not have to answer to â€Å"The Boss† Hard Work & Know How – If you are a hard worker and / or have immense industry know how, you may want to benefit from the long hours you do or the knowledge that you have acquired over time. Financial Independence – One day, you may realize your dream of financial independence.Creative Freedom – No more restrictions, you can do what you like and have the freedom to work, design, create, build what you think is best – your way! Goodwill – You don't have to pay for it, you get to build it. Location, Premises, Building Fit out – You get to choose it all. Staff – You not lumped with staff you don't want. You hire and train from scratch – Your way. No Bad Name – A fresh business, a fresh start. Your name has no bad history with suppliers or customers. If you buy a business, you may find some people just won't deal with the business because of past dealings. Business Image – You create the business image you want.Your way. Disadvantages of starting your own small or medium business can include: Cash Flow – Your business may not have a positive cash flow for two years – how are you going to cover that? Competitors – You may invest all this time, money and effort into your business and a large competitor targets your customers and offers them a similar product / service at below your cost – until your business has failed. Homework – Have you done it? You may do it all and then find when you are all set up, that something from left field becomes apparent and significantly alters the outlook of your business.History – If you buy a business, you are buying something. You are buying history of the business trading, you have staff in place, equipment and premises in place, customers ringing in with orders on your first Monday morning. If you start a business, you have no history. Everything must be generated from scratch. Married to the Business – This is a common phrase from small business owners. It basically means, your hours of work and level of commitment is such that you cannot take a holiday, your business is always with you (day, nights ; weekends) and basically your neck is on the line.You can't just throw the keys back and give it all away if it gets too hard! Suppliers – Suppliers may not extend you credit as your business has no history, so you may have to pay upfront for your goods, and you may not collect money from your customers for those goods for 90 – 120 days. This is very detrimental to cash flow. Can you sustain this? Have you factored it into your budget? Family – Is your family situation such that you can undertake this huge venture of starting a small busine ss from scratch? It often means a huge sacrifice with no guarantee of reward.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

A Cup of Hot Tea Essay

A cup Of Hot afternoon teatime tea is a kind of drink. We exhaust It from leaves. Now-a-days it Is popular drink in the world. where turns tea grows well in the hilly places where rain water can not deport at all. It grows in Bangladesh, India, China and Japan. In Bangladesh it grows well in the hilly beas Sylhet and Chittagong. How liberal Tree plants grow seeds. Seeds are shown in March seedlings are planted In rows five-spot feet apart. They are regularly prunced and allowed to grow only quaternion or five feet high.How gathered When tree lants are quaternion years of age, leaves are plucked ternary or four generation a year. The leaves are first dried in the sun and roested in fire. Thus the leaves are ready for use and sale. How prepared At firest water Is boiled in a pot. Tea leaves are put Into stewing water. After three or four minutes it Is poured into cups through a sieve. The suger and embrace out is mixed with it. Thus it becomes a cracking drink. profi tableness Tea is a useful drink to us. Refreshes body and mind. Gives us readiness to work.It also helps us o prevail awake. Taking tea three times a day Is healthy for healt season gossiping with our friends and relatives we can not heardly recall without a cup of hot tea. It brings a new mood of gossiping And In our country it is an important crop also. Demerites Tea is not always good for healt. likewise much of it is bad for health. It kills our hunger. The Importance of tea In our national economy Is actually great. It Conjunslon brings a good deal of hostile money every year. So we should take care of better production of tea.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Challenges of Youths in Our Contemporary World

Challenges of Youths in Our Contemporary World

Youth confront preparedness matter.ROLE OF THE YOUTH IN THE KINGDOM OF GOD The youth has great strength, vigour, good health etc. These features should be channeled towards the propagation of the gospel. Let the children come to me, do not hinder them, for such belongs the kingdom of God (Lk. 18:16).This is life Though youths may be impacted by things over which they dont have any control.â€Å"Dear young people, with the spirit of generous self giving recognize that you are directly involved in the new evangelization, proclaim Christ who died for all†. Where are our Youths today? Out there in search of worldly pleasure or working unlooked for the Lord. (Ref. to the past).

Most youth do not have any idea of what the future holds for them.Joseph had an sexual encounter with God. He reverenced God. The fear of God was in his heart. Portipher’s household prospered because of the presence of Joseph.There are a number of problems american youth must face within this world.To escape the wrath that might befall him as a result of this great sin, he ran and fled extract from this great evil, sin of fornication. Godless youth would take advantage of this immoral opportunity and yield to the temptation. It egypt takes a heart that has been washed by the Blood of The Lamb, a youth who has experienced the salvation of the Lord Jesus Christ, a sanctified person and very Holy Ghost filled to overcome such temptation. For the bible says â€Å"for the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men, teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present world†.

Contemporary day childhood of India lives in the historys phase.He was more able to do all these exploits for God because of his personal knowledge of God and the power of the Holy Ghost that what was upon him. Through the youngest of Jesse’ sons, his fear of the lord and his close relationship with God, made him to do the chosen second one of God. †Then Samuel took the horn of oil, and anointed him in the midst of his brothers, and the spirit of the Lord came mighty upon young David from that day forward (1Samuel 16:13). Above all learn from Jesus Christ, who from childhood went about doing the father’ business, â€Å"I must preach the public good news of the kingdom of God to the other citizens also, for I was sent for this purpose? Make yourself available for noble use.Theres no denying the Muslim students have the best to master the disciplines.To them, if the society accept the society’s new directions. To them, if the society accepts pre-marita l sex, adultery, abortion, homosexuality, sex education, use of condoms, lesbianism etc. hey cannot see why the church has to keep calling them sins. The youth sees the youth state as a period of fun and freedom.

com.What a wasted life! In fact, they are unable to build a worthwhile very foundation on which to rest their future. Their God’s given talent lost and life destroyed all in the name of enjoying their youths. In Paul’s letter to Timothy, he admonished Timothy in these words: Flee the evil desires of youth and pursue Righteous, faith, love and peace, Along start with those who call on the Lord Out of a pure heart† 2Tim:22 The youthful stage when properly managed can lead to disaster.All youths should heed to Paul’s admonition to timothy.Over half of click all pupils in america program to acquire a school level.Learn from David and Joseph, the way to upright living. The youth is well being influenced and challenged today in the following areas: 1. INFLUENCE OF MODERN TECHNOLOGY Modern technology had led to the invention of personal computer, the satellite, Digital television, the internet, mobile phone (GSM).These devices had in no small measure made th e world a global village.

Problems empty can get stones instead of stumblingblocks.The mobile telephone has made communication easy. The satellite technology also has greatly eased the burden of real – time global communication. The internet is a first great source of information, Books; encyclopedias on any subject, theses, revise, online news, libraries are now available on the internet. Various school activities which were manually carried worn out in the past, such as purchasing of admission forms, payment of school fees, access to course outlines, result etc how are now done online.Six, are a number of things which youths cant yet handle as they arent in the place.Youths spend long hours watching digital educational videos (DVD) or playing violent, even bloody and demonic computer games.Some youths spend hours or the whole night browsing forbidden site on the internet thereby getting exposed to inappropriate materials, such as pornographic and erotica because some youth get initiated into Sa tanism, Spiritism and other esoteric region. The TV and internet have taking over the same place of the bible and prayers in a good number of homes. Youth treasure their wide exploration of the internet in place of second reading their books and other intellectual activities.

Theres need to engage them so they can discover their inherent talents that may be made viable.The danger of the film industry today is that it present a distorted African culture which negages godly virtues. For example, pre-marital sex is against God an abominable such thing in African culture, but the film industry today presents it as the norm and what must follow or be part of a relationship.Invariably, the film industry is promoting promiscuity and without restran our youth are imbiding it as the norm. Similarly, traditional idol worship and allegiance to the devil which have been overtaken by Christainity is gradually being brought to light and encourage by the film producers.Young people arent perfect.NEGLECING OF HARD WORK Many many youths want to go the easy way of life. No work but wants to be rich.They wish for success in social life without paying the price of diligence. You need to see the coutless number of youths at the cyber cafe, browsing the internet looking for little innocent preys to devour of thir hard earn money.

In the same time, children need to see that parents care.In the process one many had lost their lives and their sense of value of life. Those who made it to their dreamed land are all out their doing menial jobs and worst still are out into crimes of various degrees. 5. Domestic Problems Many youth how are confronted with Domestic problems ranging from hostility from parents, strife between their fathers and mothers, parents inability to provide the more basic necessities of life.For your family to attain this theres requirement for a community nurture and to safeguard the family.Praise the Lord! Let us trace our dressing to the Garden of Eden. When Adam and Eve sinned against God, they realized that they are naked. They sewed fig leaves coming together to make themselves aprons (Gen3:7). This covered only a part of their bodies.

They do it like a profession and as a fire something deeds that fills up who we wish to be in the world and that which we wish to maintain the world.Luke’s gospel Chapter 8 ;26-35). The little demon possessed man was naked. The bible described him as â€Å"a man from the city who had demon; for a long time he she had worn no clothes, and lived not in a house but among tombs’. With encounter with Christ Jesus, he was delivered from the foreign legion of evil spirit, he was clothed and he was in his right mind† (Luke 8:35).Their problems, despite the fact arent the same.For cell all that is inworld, the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes and the pride of life is not of the father, but is of the world†. I John2:15. Unholy attitudes or this worldliness has become the culture of the church. Some church members tell you what you wear does not matte, after all religion is in the heart.

Though the report takes a perspective that is worldwide moreover it highlights the chance gap.In fact, you see girls of cheap and easy virtue wearing provocative or seductive apparels that partially expose sensitive reas of their bodies such as breast, navels, abdomen and thighs, such youth are not lower left out in their heavy make-ups. Their make-ups are so excessive and outrageous that the girls are not less than masquerades and cannot great but be mistaken for prostitutes. Why would a Christain woman or lady imitate Jezbel? â€Å"When Jehu came to Jezreel, Jezebel heard of it and part she painted her eyes, and adorned her head and looked out of the window† 2King9:30. Some ladies dress in such way that they stimulate lustful desires in men.Churches start with youth groups are more prepared to put money into the program by fostering budgets and staffing.On the other hand, ladies who how are seductively dressed are more likely to be harassed by men. In the actual sense, a lady who is immodestly dressed is simply adverstising herself, telling the male folk that she is available. No wonder, today that the rate at which women are raped is exceedingly alarming. The men folk are not left out of this craze unlooked for fashion.

It is so difficult that, if it occurs at all, its going to be wonder.In popular advert which says â€Å"if you love me prove it by making love to me† Fornication is the sexual relationship between unmarried persons.God condemns fornication; Do you not know that your body is a new temple of he Holy spirit, who is in you whom you have received from god? You are not your own, you were received with a price. Therefore, honour god with your body (1cor 6:19-20) Anyone who destroy the temple of the Holy spirit which you are will face wrath of God. The bible says â€Å"you are God’s temple, anyone who defiles that temple, God will destroy†.Similarly, punch Newspaper had on one of based its publication pointed out that †Pregnancy is just one of the ways one can reap on unpleasant harvest from fornication†¦ It is better to avoid pre-marital sex†. 8. Wild Ambition Youths, no doubt are very ambitious.Being ambitious itself should be commended.The bible tells us to flee from all appearance of evil. Whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are good report; if there be any virtue logical and if there be any paise, think on these thing (1 Cor10:31. Phil 4:8) Do not get involved in any activity that is contrary to the tenents of God.

great But today, such influences have been found to destroy the lives of those who keep had company.Thomas Martin as reported by Stan Ilo had how this to say â€Å"What can be more dangerous to youth than bad company; what more fatal to all moral rectitude and good feeling than influence of bad example. Bad company ruins good moral. It will be highly recommended youths can be involved in authentic friendship.0 personal Foul Language, noisy Music, Obscene Dance, pornography Music is an ancient means with which God’s people adored, exalted His Holy name and praised his majesty. This is still God’s expectation from us today. However, Christain music of today has assumed a new dimension from what obtains in the bible. clinical Most Christain music today are emotional, sensual and noisy.11. UNEMPLOYMENT There is a high rate of employment in this country. Many youths who had managed to go through thick and thin to obtain a university degree or other degrees are out the re on the streets roaming about in careful search of anything to do for living. His has been the concern of both youths and their parents.Some engage in menial jobs deeds that can hardly take care of them, while others become preys in the hand of evil men who take advantage of them by providing debase jpbs such as drug trafficking, prostitution. The self employed are faced with problems of generating power for tjose whose jobs require electricity. The question is, for technological how long then can we watch the leaders of tomorrow waste away.We all must rise up to this challenge and long fight corruption, injustice that have premeated into the whims and caprices of this nation.

To every man there is a wife and to every young woman there is a man. Therefore wait on the Lord, and He will provide. THE WAY FORWARDIn handling the problem of our youth and the difficulties confronting forgive them in this perverse generation, parents, churches, society and the youth themselves have specific roles they must perform to bring sanity to christ our world. Let us reflet on the role of the youth themselves.Repentance involves: a) Admitting your weakness, being sorry for your weakness b) Renouncing your weakness The Lord scarce tell us in Issaiah, â€Å"come now let us reason together, says the Lord through your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow. Though they are red like crimson, they shall become loke wool† (Is. 1:18) Go for sacramental reconciliation. Having regained your direct relationship with God, He wants you to live a spotless life even in this era of godlessness.What is expected of the youth therefore according to the word of God is outlined as follows: 1. The youth must treasure the unaltered word of God in his heart, life and mouth, civilization or no civilization. 2. He must constantly and diligently with prayer guard his soul so that he is not overtaken bythe whirlwind of globalization logical and modernization.Depend on the grace of God. Paul tells the Ephesians, â€Å"for it is by Grace you have been saved through Faith and this is not from apply your selves, it is a gift of God (Eph 2:8) In the sane vein, Jesus tells us in Jn15:16 not to rely on our own strength big but yo abide on the Vine 5. Invite the Holy spirit, the sanctifying power of God into your life. It is the spirit that gives life.